
Unix OS HP-UX command for backup and recover file system by fbackup/frecover

** Myself
fbackup/recover to file
fbackup –i /tmp/test -f /tmp/test.fbk
frecover –f /tmp/test.fbk –ry (default recover to original path)

fbackup/recover nfs to file
fbackup -0f test4_nfs.f -n -i /nfs_anotherhost/abc
frecover -f test4_nfs.f -x -i / nfs_anotherhost /abc
frecover –f /tmp/test.fbk –ry (default recover to original path)

fbackup -0vf /dev/rmt/0m -i /
-0 – 9
Backup level
Exclude subtree
Output device path
Path backup
Auto answer yes to any inquiries
Not get access control lists
Backup the symbolic link refers to (เอา data จาก file จริงมาเลย)
1) backup /usr except /usr/lib
fbackup -0vf /dev/rmt/0m –i /usr –e /usr/lib
fbackup -0vf /dev/rmt/0m –i /usr -i /var -i /home –c /config.txt
--edit config.txt—
blocksperrecord 8192
records 40
checkpointfreq 1024
maxretries 6
maxretries 5000
retrylimit 500000000
maxvoluses 100000
filesperfsm 200000

2) backup /usr/bin but no keep access control list (ACL)
fbackup -0Avf /dev/rmt/0m –i /usr/bin

frecover -xvf /dev/rmt/0m


Device path
Restore files or subdirectory of graph to be included in the recovery
Not restore files or subdirectory of graph to be excluded in the recovery
Overwrite all
Extract all file form your backup
Restore file with out recovering leading directory
Restore individual file (Relative restore)

1) recovery all files of /usr except /usr/lib
frecover –xvf /dev/rmt/0m –e /usr/lib
2) recovery only /usr/lib
frecover –xvf /dev/rmt/0m –i /usr/lib

Example of Setting Backup Levels
Assume you want the following three backup levels:
  • Level 0 - full monthly backup
  • Level 1 - weekly backup on Friday
  • Level 2 - daily backup, except Friday
There are three ways you can implement these levels: use SAM, enter the fbackup command and specify a backup level on the command line, or automate the commands (see Setting Up an Automated Backup Schedule). The figure below illustrates the level numbers for implementing this example.
Date: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 1
Day: Su M T W Th Fr Sa Su M T W Th F Sa Su ...
Backup level 0 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 ... 0
If your data becomes corrupt on Thursday the 12th, do the following to restore your system to its Wednesday the 11th state:
  1. Restore the monthly full backup tape from Sunday the 1st.
  2. Restore the weekly incremental backup tape from Friday the 6th.
  3. Restore the incremental backup tape from Saturday 7 to Wednesday 11.

