Enable SAPSTAR (Emergency User ) user for Dual Stack and Java Stack for change password DDIC/J2EE_ADMIN

** Credit Web&Myself

Enable SAPSTAR (Emergency User ) user for Dual Stack (change password DDIC/J2EE_ADMIN)

** Case working with a combined AS for ABAP + Java installation, then log on to the ABAP system as an administrator or the emergency user SAP* and create a new administrator for the J2EE Engine using the transaction SU01. on client 001 only

How to enable emergency sap* user for the Abap user

STEP-1: Enable "SAP*"
  1. Login to the SAP GUI ABAP
  2. transaction code ‘RZ10
  3. parameter ‘login/no_automatic_user_sapstar’
  4. Type the parameter value as ’0
  5. Copy-> Back->Copy-> Transfer ->Back-> Save
  6. Stop/Start the SAP Instance.
STEP-2: Login with "SAP*" visual admin
  1. Login to the SAP GUI ABAP
  2. Now try to login as sap* and Password as ‘pass’
  3. transaction code ‘su01
  4. Change DDIC/J2EE_ADMIN password -> save

STEP-3: Disable "SAP*"
  1. Login to the SAP GUI ABAP
  2. transaction code ‘RZ10
  3. parameter ‘login/no_automatic_user_sapstar’
  4. Type the parameter value as ’1′
  5. Copy-> Back->Copy-> Transfer ->Back-> Save
  6. Stop/Start the SAP Instance.
STEP-4: Login with "j2ee_admin"
18. Enter userid / Password as "j2ee_admin / <password>

19. it will ask change password just change
STEP-4: Login with "DDIC"

17. Login to the SAP GUI ABAP
18. Enter userid / Password as DDIC / <password>

19. it will ask change password just change


Enable SAPSTART (Emergency User) user for Java-Only (change password J2EE_ADMIN)

** The J2EE Engine is running as a Java-only installation.

    We cannot create user in portal. Once we create user in ABAP stack , we can login to portal using that user.
     If there is permission problem, please assign the permission to the respective user that is "manage_all" action.

How to enable emergency sap* user for the java user by configtool&visual admin

STEP-1: Enable "SAP*"
1.       Open ConfigTool which is located in <drive>:\usr\sap\SID\JC05\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat, for Unix you can run ./configtool.sh
2.       Switch to configuration editor mode.
3.       Go to cluster_data -> server -> cfg -> services.
4.       Switch to edit mode by pressing pencil button.
5.       Click on Propertysheet com.sap.security.core.ume.service
6.       Change ume.superadmin.activate to TRUE.
7.       Define the SAP* password in ume.superadmin.password.
8.       Restart Web AS Java.

STEP-2: Login with "SAP*" visual admin
9.       Login to visual admin.
10.    Go to Server -> service -> security provider. Open tab User Management.
11.    Find user administrator then press unlock button and define the new password for administrator user.
STEP-3: Disable "SAP*"

12. Start the Config Tool C:\usr\sap\<SID>\<engine-instance>\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat
Ex: D:\usr\sap\F02\JC00\j2ee\configtool --> configtool.bat

13.Goto cluster-data --> Global server configuration --> services --> com.sap.security.core.ume.service

14.Double-click on the property "ume.superadmin.activated = FALSE"


16. Restart the engine.

STEP-4: Login with "j2ee_admin"

18. Enter userid / Password as "j2ee_admin / <password>

19. it will ask change password just change it

How to enable emergency sap* user for the java user by configtool&Web UME admin

STEP-1: Enable "SAP*"
1.       Switch to configuration editor mode.
2.       Go to cluster_data -> server -> cfg -> services.
3.       Switch to edit mode by pressing pencil button.
4.       Click on Propertysheet com.sap.security.core.ume.service
5.       Change ume.superadmin.activate to TRUE.
6.       Define the SAP* password in ume.superadmin.password.
7.       Restart Web AS Java.

STEP-2: Login with "SAP*" into portal
8.       http://<host>:<Port>/useradmin/index.jsp
9.       Enter userid / password as" SAP* / <password ex: abc123>"
10.    Search for "j2ee_admin" user
11.    Reset or change password for "j2ee_admin"
STEP-3: Disable "SAP*"
12.    Start the Config Tool C:\usr\sap\<SID>\<engine-instance>\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat
Ex: D:\usr\sap\F02\JC00\j2ee\configtool --> configtool.bat
13.    Goto cluster-data --> Global server configuration --> services --> com.sap.security.core.ume.service
14.    Double-click on the property "ume.superadmin.activated = FALSE"\
15.    Restart Web AS Java.
STEP-4: Login with "j2ee_admin"
16.    http://<host>:<Port>/useradmin/index.jsp
17.    Enter userid / Password as "j2ee_admin / <password>
18.    it will ask change password just change it

