SAP system language preassigned on the logon screen must be deleted during the logon

** Myself

If the system language or the language set under the user defaults should still be used, the language preassigned on the logon screen must be deleted during the logon.
This can also be done via a shortcut with an empty language parameter.
In addition, this new behavior can be deactivated again using a switch in the SAP LOGON options.

You must import a disp+work package with at least the patch level that is specified under "SP Patch Level".            
At present, the new function is activated only in the 721 kernel.                                                         
The transfer of the SAPLOGON language takes place as of SAP GUI for Windows 730. See SAP Note 1727111.      
Note: The transfer of the SAPLOGON language cannot yet be suppressed with SAPGUI patch level 0.                                                                                          
In SAP releases < 740, customer-specific texts are no longer taken into account on the logon screen (SAP Note 205487).

SAP Note
1727111 - Language preassignment on SAP LOGON logon screen
1608882 - Logon screen and SAPLOGON language
2134798 - Logon screen and SAPLOGON language: Switchable

Solution (SAP profile)  

   diag/ignore_sap_logon_language = 1.

Upgrade MS SQL 2014

** Myself
-Install MS-SQL
-stop applicaton
run (from source path)
cd T:\sw_database\MSSQL_2014\51049461\x86-x64\EnterpriseEdition\X64
setup.exe /Action=Upgrade /UpdateSource="T:\sw_database\Patch MSSQL 2014"

