Problems DBVERIFY Oracle (bad num_itls:,csc(aaaa.bbbb) higher than,itl[] has higher commit scn

** Myself & SAP Note 1566406

dbv report errors related to transaction layer.
Following messages can be reported by dbveryfy:

"bad num_itls: <itlCount>"

"csc(aaaa.bbbb) higher than block scn(xxxx.yyyy)

"itl[<itl_id>] has higher commit scn(aaaa.bbbb) than block scn (xxxx.yyyy)"

"Control <csc> greater than block <block scn>"

"Slot[<slot>] greater than block <block scn> "
Page <pageno> failed with check code <CheckCode>

CheckCode can be:
6051 - bad block scn
6052 - bad objd
6053 - bad segment id
6054 - bad csc
6055 - bad free list link
6056 - bad itl scn
6057 - bad # itls

Reason and PrerequisitesStarting with Oracle, DBVerify has been enhanced to identify more
logical block corruptions in the transaction layer like SCN logical
corruptions and Transaction list count.

Run RMAN validate (replace dbverify periodic check) check at the first.
see note 1560512 how to change the check routine.
If this does not signals any issue , but DBV check signals blocks with the
check codes listed above only, then the blocks does not have any data
Please note that there is no difference in result of DBV if running in
ONLINE or OFFLINE mode, as the blocks signaled are in the freespace and
mostly read from the disk.
If DBV in ONLINE mode returns such checkcodes, then you does not need to
run it in OFFLINE again.

