HP-UX Check Physical Disk,Tape,Lun mapping for HP-UX 11.31

** Myself
--Physical Disk , tape ,lan
# Check disk mapping for HP-UX 11.31
ioscan -m dsf
Persistent DSF Legacy DSF(s)
/dev/rchgr/autoch1 /dev/rac/c6t0d1
/dev/rdisk/disk3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0
/dev/rdisk/disk3_p1 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s1
/dev/rdisk/disk3_p2 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2
/dev/rdisk/disk3_p3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3
# Check disk mapping for HP-UX 11.31
ioscan -m lun
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
ctl 4 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esctl CLAIMED DEVICE online HP
tape 1 64000/0xfa00/0x1 estape CLAIMED DEVICE online HP
Ultrium 4-SCSI
/dev/rtape/tape1_BEST /dev/rtape/tape1_BESTn
/dev/rtape/tape1_BESTb /dev/rtape/tape1_BESTnb
autoch 1 64000/0xfa00/0x2 eschgr CLAIMED DEVICE online HP
MSL G3 Series
disk 3 64000/0xfa00/0x3 esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE online HP
IR Volume
/dev/disk/disk3 /dev/rdisk/disk3
/dev/disk/disk3_p1 /dev/rdisk/disk3_p1
--Scan hard disk
Use the ioscan command to check the S/W state of the disk. Only disks in state CLAIMED are currently accessible by the system. Disks in other states such as NO_HW or disks that are completely missing from the ioscan output are suspicious. If the disk is marked as CLAIMED, then its controller is responding. For example: # ioscan –fnCdisk
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
disk 0 8/4.5.0 sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE SEAGATE ST34572WC
disk 1 8/4.8.0 sdisk UNCLAIMED UNKNOWN SEAGATE ST34572WC
disk 2 8/16/5.2.0 sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-5401TA
In this example the disk at hardware path 8/4.8.0 is not accessible. If the disk has multiple hardware paths, be sure to check all the paths.
--Check Disk bad sector
more /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
And most important: make sure the online diagnostics are loaded and running. They will monitor disk error messages and can be configured to notify you when there are error messages. The file: /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log will also have disk errors logged.
--Check scan tape
ioscan - fnC tape
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
tape 2 0/3/0/0/0/ stape CLAIMED DEVICE HP
Ultrium 4-SCSI
/dev/rmt/2m /dev/rmt/c6t0d0BEST
/dev/rmt/2mb /dev/rmt/c6t0d0BESTb
/dev/rmt/2mn /dev/rmt/c6t0d0BESTn
/dev/rmt/2mnb /dev/rmt/c6t0d0BESTnb

