HP-UX Make New kernel parameter manual (No Use SAM tools)

** Web
1. Change directory to the build environment:
cd /stand/build
2. Create a kernel parameters file which you can then edit. Extract the parameters from the currently running system.
/usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep -s system
3. Use your favorite editor to edit the kernel parameter file. This is an ASCII text file
containing a list of drivers, subsystems, and parameters to define in the new kernel. To
remove a driver or subsystem, simply delete the associated line in the system file. To add a driver or subsystem, simply add a line for the desired driver or subsystem to the end of the system file. To change a kernel parameter add a line to the end of the file that lists both the parameter name and value separated by one or more spaces.
vi system
4. Build a new kernel
/usr/sbin/mk_kernel -s ./system
This creates /stand/build/vmunix_test.
5. Save the old system and vmunix files in case something goes wrong. You will still have a
bootable kernel.
mv /stand/system /stand/system.prev
mv /stand/vmunix /stand/vmunix.prev
6. Move the new system and kernel files from the build environment into their proper place,
ready to use after the next reboot. Note that the kmupdate command is new with version
11.x, so at 10.x the kernel and system files must be moved into place manually.
mv /stand/build/system /stand/system
mv /stand/build/vmunix_test /stand/vmunix
7. Reboot the system to test the new kernel.
shutdown –ry 0

