HP-UX Step to create the VX rootdg(Veritas root disk not hp-uxlvm, Initialize a VX disk, and Create a VX Volume

** Myself
Step to create the VX rootdg, Initialize a VX disk, and Create a VX Volume
1. Start the VX I/O daemon, VX configuration daemon, VX daemon controller
# vxiod set 10
# vxconfigd –k –r reset –m disable
# vxdctl init
2. Check the status of the VX configuration daemon. It should be disables, since there are no VX resources to manage.
# vxdctl mode
3. Create an empty rootdg disk group.
# vxdg list
# vxdg init rootdg
# vxdg list
4. Remove the vg01 volume group
# umount /coredepot
# umount /appdepot
# vi /etc/fstab (remove the /appdepot and /coredepot line)
# lvremove –f /dev/vg01/lvol1
# lvremove –f /dev/vg01/lvol2
# vgremove vg01
# pvremove /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0
5. Configure the spare disk as a VxVM disk
# vxdisk –f init c0t1d0
6. Add the disk to the rootdg disk group
# vxdg –g rootdg adddisk disk1=c0t1d0
7. Now that the rootdg has been defined, the VX configuration daemon can be enabled.
# vxdctl mode
# vxdctl enable
8. create a volume in the rootdg, called test_vol, with a size of 10 MB.
# vxassist –g rootdg make test_vol 10m
9. create a file system on the newly create test_vol.
# newfs –F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/rootdg/test_vol
10. Make a mount point directory and mount the file system.
# mkdir /test
# mount /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/test_vol /test
# bdf
Step to Remove the VX Volume, the VX Disk, and the VX rootdg.
1. Remove the volume from the rootdg disk group.
# umount /test
# vxvol stop test_vol
# vxedit –rf rm test_vol
2. Disable the VX configuration daemon (this must be done so the disk can be removed from the rootdg.)
# vxconfigd –k –r reset –m disable
3. Re-initialize the rootdg so that it doesn’t contain any disks.
# vxdg init rootdg
4. Remove the VX disk from the control of VxVM so it can be used for another purpose.
# vxdisk rm c0t1d0
5. Stop the VX configuration daemon.
# vxdctl stop

