Note 727998 - Complete Replacement of Service Definitions for SDCC/SDCCN
Step 0: Ensure that optimizer statistics are current for table D010INC.
Step 1-3 :You can use functionality in SDCCN to execute these steps.
Path: SDCCN -> Utilities -> Maintain Service Definitions ->
Select 'Delete and Replace Service Definitions -> Confirm this selection->
Confirm that you want to delete the definitions -> Confirm that a new task
'Service Definition Refresh' was created -> Take a note of the task id ->
Review the log for this task id when it is completed. You should not not
see any errors for either the update of a Service Definitions table or the
generation of any re-import include.
-> Utilities -> Maintain Service Definitions ->
Select 'Delete and Replace Service Definitions -> Confirm this selection
Confirm that you want to delete the definitions -> Confirm that a new task
'Service Definition Refresh' was created
Task log
Full log ID 0000001320
### Detail Note
SAP Note 727998 - Complete Replacement of Service
Definitions for SDCC/SDCCN
Note Language: English Version: 28 Validity: Valid Since 21.07.2010
You have been advised in another note or in a message to completely replace
the service definitions for the Service Data Control Center
Other terms
SDCC, SDCCN, Service Data Control Center,Service definitions, Earlywatch
Alert, Data collection, BDL_FUPDEF_INTERFACE_GET
Reason and Prerequisites
The Service Data Control Center will not work properly unless the sevice
definitions are completely replaced.
I. Short overview
Step 0: Ensure that optimizer statistics are current for table D010INC
Step 1: Delete all entries in the service definition tables.
Step 2: Replace the entries, either by transport or from OSS, depending on
your system configuration.
Step 3: Regenerate the re-import includes.
Before you begin ensure that the following connections work
o Connection to your SAP Solution Manager (where used)
Below you will find the detailed instructions for each step for all
possible system configurations.
II. Detailed overview
Systems where SDCCN is activated and which also contain at
o SP08 for ST-PI 2005_1* for basis release 46C -640
o SP06 for ST-PI 2005_1_700
o SP04 for ST-PI 2005_1_710
Step 0: Ensure that optimizer statistics are current for table D010INC.
Step 1-3 :You can use functionality in SDCCN to execute these steps.
Path: SDCCN -> Utilities -> Maintain Service Definitions ->
Select 'Delete and Replace Service Definitions -> Confirm this selection->
Confirm that you want to delete the definitions -> Confirm that a new task
'Service Definition Refresh' was created -> Take a note of the task id ->
Review the log for this task id when it is completed. You should not not
see any errors for either the update of a Service Definitions table or the
generation of any re-import include.
Step 0:
Ensure that optimizer statistics exist for table D010INC
Step 1:
You must delete all entries for the service definition tables.
These are listed in table BDL2TRANS. To avoid having to delete the entries
manually you can use a report.
a) Systems on Basis Release 3.x
Please create a report as described in the appendix, and then use it to
delete the entries in the service definition tables. Please replace the
b) Systems on Basis Release 4.x without ST-PI
Please create report ZZBDL_DELETE_ALL_TABLES as described in the appendix,
and then use it to delete the entries in the service definition tables
c) Systems on Basis Release 4.x with ST-PI
You can use report /BDL/DEL_ALL_BDL_TABLES to delete the entries in the
service definition tables
d) Systems on Basis Release 610 ( Basis SP < 23) and
Systems on Basis Release 620 ( Basis SP < 8)
Please create report ZZBDL_DELETE_ALL_TABLES as described in the appendix,
and then use it to delete the entries in the service definition tables
e) Systems on Basis Release 610 ( Basis SP = >23) and Systems on Basis
Release 620 ( Basis SP => 8),as well as all systems on Basis Release 640
and higher.
You can use report BDL_DELETE_ALL_TABLES to delete the entries in the
service definition tables.
The service definition tables are now empty. This means that the session
overview of SDCC is now empty, as the information about session types etc
has been deleted as well.
Step 2:
Re-import the service definitions.
a) Systems on Basis Release 3.x
Implement transport SDCC_3x.CAR, which you can find on sapservX, at
/general/R3server/abap/note.0712757. The transport dates from September
Before implementing this transport you must make sure that you switch off
future service definition refreshes from OSS as described in note 712757 .
b) Systems on Basis Release 4.x without ST-PI
Implement transport SDCC_4x.CAR, which you can find on sapservX, at
/general/R3server/abap/note.0713674. The transport dates from September
2003 .
Before implementing this transport you must make sure that you switch off
future service definition refreshes from OSS as described in note 713674 .
c) Systems on Basis Release 4.x with any ST-PI and Systems on Basis Release
6.x and higher
Execute a service definition refresh.
To be able to complete this task succesfully you must make sure that the
destinations which the Service Data Control Center uses are working.
SAPOSS and SAPNET_RFC are used by SDCC, SAPOSS and SDCC_OSS are used by
More information about how to set them up and maintain them is in notes
216952 ( SDCC), 763561 ( SDCCN) and 33135, Q3.
d) Systems as described in c) which for security or infrastructure reasons
do not exchange RFC calls with the outside world.
Implement transport SERVDEF.CAR , which you can request via customer
message in SV-SMG-SDD
We aim to update this transport ca every 6 months. The current transport
contains definitions from May 2010.
To ensure that such systems do not attempt to refresh service definitions
from OSS please change the following settings in table BDLCUST (/BDL/CUST
if you are on Basis Rel 4*and have installed ST-PI):
SERVDEFS - This determines if the service definitions should be refreshed
for every run of the ASM. The default value here is X, this entry has to be
changed to 'Space'.
MAXSERVD - This determines the number of days allowed between service
definition refreshes. This entry should be set to 360.
Step 3:
Regenerate the re-import includes
a) Systems on Basis Rel 3.x, Basis Rel 4.x without ST-PI, Basis Rel 6.x
(and higher) without ST-PI or ST-PI < = 003C*
Call function module
using Transaction SE37 and 'Single test (F8)' .
Assign the value 'ALL' to the import parameter 'OPTION' (keep the default
values for all other parameters) and execute the module.
Note that during this activity there is an increased system load. During
this time you can not use SDCC, or you will generate a shortdump
LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST and lose your data. When the includes have been
regenerated, call SDCC again. The session overview should now be restored.
b) Systems on Basis Rel 4.x with ST-PI <= 003C
Now call function module
using Transaction SE37 and 'Single test (F8)' .
Assign the value 'ALL' to the import parameter 'OPTION' (keep the default
values for all other parameters) and execute the module.
Note that during this activity there is an increased system load.
During this time you can not use SDCC, or you will generate a shortdump
LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST and lose your data. When the includes have been
regenerated, call SDCC again. The session overview should now be restored.
c) Any systems with ST-PI >= 2005_1*
Call function module
using Transaction SE37 and 'Single test (F8)' .
Assign the value 'ALL' to the import parameter 'OPTION' (keep the default
values for all other parameters) and execute the module.
Note that during this activity there is an increased system load.
During this time you can not use SDCCN, or you will generate a shortdump
LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST and lose your data. When the includes have been
regenerated, call SDCCN again. The session overview should now be restored
III. Appendix
Please note that this is also available as an attachment to this note.
How to create report ZZBDL_DELETE_ALL_TABLES
*& *
*& *
*& *
lf_bdlsertran(11) type c value 'BDLSERTRAN.',
lf_bdlfugrps(10) type c value 'BDLFUGRPS.',
lf_bdlfunc(8) type c value 'BDLFUNC.',
lf_bdlfuncmap(11) type c value 'BDLFUNCMAP.',
lf_bdlfupdef(10) type c value 'BDLFUPDEF.',
lf_bdlfupexp(10) type c value 'BDLFUPEXP.',
lf_bdlfupimp(10) type c value 'BDLFUPIMP.',
lf_bdlfuvers(10) type c value 'BDLFUVERS.',
lf_bdlfuver2(10) type c value 'BDLFUVER2.',
lf_bdlfuver3(10) type c value 'BDLFUVER3.',
lf_bdlgroups(10) type c value 'BDLGROUPS.',
lf_bdlsadata(10) type c value 'BDLSADATA.',
lf_bdlsaif(8) type c value 'BDLSAIF.',
lf_bdlsergrps(11) type c value 'BDLSERGRPS.',
lf_bdlservice(11) type c value 'BDLSERVICE.',
lf_bdlst14key(11) type c value 'BDLST14KEY.',
lf_bdlctx2exe(11) type c value 'BDLCTX2EXE.',
lf_bdldirfunc(11) type c value 'BDLDIRFUNC.',
lf_bdlendfunc(11) type c value 'BDLENDFUNC.',
lf_bdlerrors(10) type c value 'BDLERRORS.',
lf_bdlexcept(10) type c value 'BDLEXCEPT.',
lf_bdlctext(9) type c value 'BDLCTEXT.',
lf_bdlrefserv(11) type c value 'BDLREFSERV.',
lf_bdl2trans(10) type c value 'BDL2TRANS.'
data: answer type c.
textline1 = 'Really delete all BDL tables ?'
titel = 'Delete all BDL tables'
answer = answer
others = 0.
if answer <> 'J'.
message id 'S1' type 'I' number '333'
with 'Deletion terminated!'.
delete from bdlctext where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlctext.
delete from bdlctx2exe where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlctx2exe.
delete from bdldirfunc where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdldirfunc.
delete from bdlendfunc where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlendfunc.
delete from bdlerrors where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlerrors.
delete from bdlexcept where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlexcept.
delete from bdlfugrps where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfugrps.
delete from bdlfunc where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfunc.
delete from bdlfuncmap where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfuncmap.
delete from bdlfupdef where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfupdef.
delete from bdlfupexp where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfupexp.
delete from bdlfupimp where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfupimp.
delete from bdlfuver2 where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfuver2.
delete from bdlfuver3 where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfuver3.
delete from bdlfuvers where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlfuvers.
delete from bdlgroups where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlgroups.
delete from bdlrefserv where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlrefserv.
delete from bdlsadata where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlsadata.
delete from bdlsaif where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlsaif.
delete from bdlsergrps where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlsergrps.
delete from bdlsertran where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlsertran.
delete from bdlservice where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlservice.
delete from bdlst14key where chgstamp like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdlst14key.
delete from bdl2trans where sapnet_chg like '%'.
write: / sy-dbcnt, 'rows deleted from', lf_bdl2trans.
Header Data
Release Status: Released for Customer
Released on: 21.07.2010 13:17:57
Master Language: English
Priority: Recommendations/additional info
Category: FAQ
Primary Component: SV-SMG-SDD Service Data Download
The Note is release-independent
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