
Oracle database Edition License

** Myself
Oracle database family
- Express edition(XE) (free) for win (all datafiles limits 4 g,1 cpu)
- Lite edition(free 1 user for moble)
- Personal (free 1 user for desktop)
- Standard one (2 cpu after multiple) < 400 user

- Standard edition (4 cpu after multiple) < 400-1000
- Enterprise edition (full) > 1000
- # soft partition ,hard partition depend on license
- # standard not lock cpu
- # step upgrade standard à enterprise use difference price and technical is not new install but use run script to upgrade
- RAC 10g is not SE1
- RAC 10g free feature SE but ASM and license all cpu per clusters group
- RAC 9i EE,10g for EE with license
Database control
- management pack (license) default enable
Grid control
- plugin (license) monitoring sql ,db2,network device install db agent
For server with H/W partitioning feature, please refer to the attachments.
    In case of CPU removal after buy Oracle license (CPU based). Customers have to maintain the license as it was.
    But that CPU license can be transfered to another server.

