
Storage Foundation concept (Vxvm) and basic configuration

** Myself
Storage foundation for HA (cluster + storage foundation)
Storage foundation (volumn + vxfs) enterprise(do snapshort)
view license
install license
# license is able apply multiple
Before install must be stop cluster hastop -all

install software vxvm
- i
- 4 (storage foundation)
- License key
- Patch must be same to require
-- enter
-- disk for enterprise or other_disk
-- no,no,no
-- 2 choose custom install
-- 2 install one time
--1 install as a new disk ## repeat all new disk for vxvm (no lvm) but disk vxvm is recored

# Not need rootdg for vxvm version 4 but answer is no
# Create root dg menu (for ver 3.5 but 4 not need)
# Root dg keep rootdg for start vxvm
# Root dg = 10M or 1 hdisk

vea (gui for volumn manager user:root/)

Hardisk for vxvm
Vxdisk list
Disk = disk for vxvm ,group=vg group
-online is to use
-online invalid is to no use

Disk usarge
vxdisk –o alldgs list

Convert physical disk to vx disk (destroy data)
vxdisksetup –i cXtXdX

UnConvert vx disk to physical disk
vxdiskunsetup cXtXdX

Create/Delete manage Disk(text)

Print subdisk
vxprint -ht

Display information DG

Extend volumn and file system
vxresize volumn and file system
-- or --
vxassist -g datadg growto vol01 967340032

Extend file system
Physical disks--subdisks--plexes--volumes
Plexes=volume but mirror 1 volumn= 2 plexes
Subdisk = PE,PP
Plexes = LE,LP
Volume = LV

Higth level create vx disk 1 vg = 1 subdisk
Low level create vx disk 1 vg = X subdisk
Mirror-concat (before concat after mirror)
Layer is diffical that will stript pro,concat pro
Gui is All command except create rootdg
vea for server gui config disk
vxsvc & # gui process for vea
vxconfigd and VEA service (vxsvc) run before
-- or --
veritas enterprise administrator for client
-  Create volumn disk(DG)
  -Add dsik to volumn
   Export dg =deport
    Import dg
clear host id for import difference host ( for CA disk )
force for quorum (for CA disk)
-create volumn
-create mirror
-create snap start (mirror snap)
create snap shot space optimize(create little volumn snap)
Snap start (mirror)
Snap shot (split mirror)
Snap back(resync mirror # fast resync then snap back)
Snap clear(for another Machine)
Disk group
Split DG ( for create new dg)
Join DG ( for add to dg)
For AIX only -- smitty vxvm
To convert a RAID 0+1 quickly to RAID 1+0, run:
# vxassist -g <dgname> convert <volname> layout=stripe-mirror
This command SHOULD take about 1 second to run.
For example, here is a RAID 0+1 volume:
# vxprint -htrL -g ckdg
v vol01 fsgen ENABLED ACTIVE 35356672 SELECT -
pl vol01-01 vol01 ENABLED ACTIVE 35356672 STRIPE 2/128 RW
sd ckdg02-01 vol01-01 ckdg02 0 17678336 0/0 c2t3d0 ENA
sd ckdg03-01 vol01-01 ckdg03 0 17678336 1/0 c2t26d0 ENA
pl vol01-03 vol01 ENABLED ACTIVE 35356672 STRIPE 2/128 RW
sd ckdg01-01 vol01-03 ckdg01 0 17678336 0/0 c2t9d0 ENA
sd ckdg04-01 vol01-03 ckdg04 0 17678336 1/0 c2t24d0 ENA
We then run the command to convert this to a RAID 1+0 (striped-pro) volume:
# vxassist -g ckdg convert vol01 layout=stripe-mirror
This command shows the striped-pro volume.
# vxprint -htrL -g ckdg
v vol01 fsgen ENABLED ACTIVE 35356672 SELECT vol01-02
pl vol01-02 vol01 ENABLED ACTIVE 35356672 STRIPE 2/128 RW
sv vol01-S01 vol01-02 vol01-L01 1 17678336 0/0 2/2 ENA
v2 vol01-L01 fsgen ENABLED ACTIVE 17678336 SELECT -
p2 vol01-P01 vol01-L01 ENABLED ACTIVE 17678336 CONCAT - RW
s2 ckdg02-02 vol01-P01 ckdg02 0 17678336 0 c2t3d0 ENA
p2 vol01-P02 vol01-L01 ENABLED ACTIVE 17678336 CONCAT - RW
s2 ckdg01-02 vol01-P02 ckdg01 0 17678336 0 c2t9d0 ENA
sv vol01-S02 vol01-02 vol01-L02 1 17678336 1/0 2/2 ENA
v2 vol01-L02 fsgen ENABLED ACTIVE 17678336 SELECT -
p2 vol01-P03 vol01-L02 ENABLED ACTIVE 17678336 CONCAT - RW
s2 ckdg03-02 vol01-P03 ckdg03 0 17678336 0 c2t26d0 ENA
p2 vol01-P04 vol01-L02 ENABLED ACTIVE 17678336 CONCAT - RW
s2 ckdg04-02 vol01-P04 ckdg04 0 17678336 0 c2t24d0 ENA
Note that no data is moved from disk to disk in this process (this is why
it only takes a second to perform). The only thing volume manager has to
do is to change the way the volume is laid-out.
To convert back to a RAID0+1, if needed:
# vxassist -g ckdg convert vol01 layout=mirror-stripe
scan หา new disk (enable disk device)
   vxdctl enable
ทำ init   disk for vxvm (from online invalid to online)
   vxdisksetup -i hdisk7
สร้าง create newdg use
        vxdg init <diskgroup> <diskname>=devicename
      vxdg init testdg testdg01=hdisk4
           vxdg –g datadg adddisk testdg02=hdisk2 (เพิ่ม disk to dg)
        vxassist -g data1dg -p maxsize layout=stripe ncol=4  ดู maxsize
        vxassist -g data1dg make  testvol  200M   layout=stripe ncols=4
        mkfs -F vxfs -o largefiles,bsize=8192 /dev/vx/rdsk/data1dg/vol
        edit /etc/fstab
ดูว่ามี disk
    vxdisk list
ดูว่ามี disk กับ dg
    vxdisk -o alldgs list
ดูว่ามี disk,dg,vol,layer
    vxprint -rth
ดูว่ามี volume
    vxprint -g <dgname> -ht|more
ดูว่ามี layer
    vxprint -rth <volumename>
ลบ disk vxvm แต่ไม่ใช่ลูกสุดท้ายของ dg
    vxdg -g testdg rmdisk testdg01
    vxdiskunsetup -C testdg01
ลบ  disk vxvm ที่เป็นลูกสุดท้ายของ dg
    vxdg destroy testdg
    vxdiskunsetup -C testdg01
ขยาย   volume
        /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i c2t1d0
        vxdg –g datadg adddisk testdg02=hdisk2
        Vxassit   –g   datadg   maxgrow   vol01
        vxassist -g datadg growto vol01 967340032
ขยาย FS  
        cd  /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs
        ./fsadm -F vxfs -b 967340032 -r /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/vol01 /data
เพิ่ม disk เข้า dg
    vxdg –g newdg adddisk diskname=c1t2d2
เอา disk ออกจาก dg
    vxdg –g diskgroup rmdisk diskname
migrate disk
    vxevac –g diskgroup from_disk to_disk
ดู diskgroup ที่ import จากเครื่องอื่น
    vxdisk –o alldgs list
สร้าง volume
    vxassist –g diskgroup make vol_name vol_size
ลบ volume
    vxassist –g diskgroup remove volume vol_name
add mirror แต่ละ volume
    vxassist –g diskgroup mirror vol_name
mirror ทุก volume
    /etc/vx/bin/vxmirror –g diskgroup –a
remove mirror
    vxassist –g diskgroup remove mirror  vol_name !dm_name
    vxplex –g diskgroup dis plex_name
    vxedit –g diskgroup –rf rm plex_name
เปลี่ยนขนาดทั้ง fs และ volume
    vxresize –F fstype –g diskgroup vol_name +,-size
เปลี่ยนขนาดของ volume
    vxassist –g diskgroup (growto,growby,shrinkto,shrinkby) vol_name size
เปลี่ยนขนาดของ fs
    fsadm –F vxfs –b newsize –r rawdev mount_point
ทำ snap shot ของ fs
    mount –F vxfs –o snapof=/dev/vx/dsk/datadg/uservol /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/snapvol /snapmount
การซ่อม object ในระดับ low level
    vxmend fix [stale,clean,active] object      : object=(plex,subdisk,vol)
ทำการ replace disk
- cfgmgr(AIX),ioscan -fnC disk(HP) (scandisk from os )
- vxdctl enable (scan disk by vxvm)
- vxdisksetup -i hdiskX (setup vxdisk)
- vxdisk list (check vxdisk fail and will be add device disk(hdisk) mach to failed vmdisk )
- vxdg -k -g <dgname> adddisk <vmdisk fail>=< replace disk>
    ex. --> vxdg -k -g testdg adddisk testdg05=hdisk13 
- vxrecover -bs -g testdg testvol (  recover to new disk )
    ex. -->vxrecover -bs -g testdg testvol
- vxprint -rth testvol (check state from stale to active)
ทำการ convert to Raid 1+0(striped-pro=stripe-mirror)
- vxassist -g diskgroup convert vol01 layout=stripe-mirror

