SAP BASIS Cleanipc,Clear ipc,ipcs,ipcrm,saposcol,sapstartsrv,kill all sap process

** Myself
## sapuser=prdadm ,SID Instance = D01,Instance Number=01
## in case run from root user  (Can  be apply with cluster solution)
su - prdadm -c "stopsap D01"
su - prdadm -c "stopsap sapstartsrv D01"
su - prdadm -c "cleanipc 01 remove"
su - prdadm -c "saposcol -k"
ps -ef | grep prdadm | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9

For sap user
logon prdadm
stopsap D01

stopsap sapstartsrv D01
cleanipc 01 remove

saposcol -k

ps -ef | grep prdadm | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9

## Can be use ipcrm for OS command replace with cleanipc command for SAP
#SAP Note 15372 - SAPcomm: error after SAP System restart
Delete any running SAPcomm processes and existing SAPcomm resources (shared
memory, semaphores, event flags, and system queues):
SAPcomm programs:Operating system command "kill".
Shared memory, semaphoresand event flags:SAP program "cleanipc <no.>", "no."   is the number of the"SAPSYSTEM" from SAPcomm profile file sapcomm.pfl
System queues: Operating system command "ipcrm".
System queues: Operating system command "ipcrm".

You should never delete operating system resources that SAPcomm is using while SAPcomm is running.

